耽美小说 > 其他类型 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > O Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast

O Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast

    o wert thou in the cauld blast
    o wert thou in the cauld blast,
    on yonder lea, on yonder lea,
    my plaidie to the angry airt,
    i'd shelter thee, i'd shelter thee;
    or did misfortune's bitter storms
    around thee blaw, around thee blaw,
    thy bield should be my bosom,
    to share it a', to share it a'.
    or were i in the wildest waste,
    sae black and bare, sae black and bare,
    the desert were a paradise,
    if thou wert there, if thou wert there;
    or were i monarch o' the globe,
    wi' thee to reign, wi' thee to reign,
    the brightest jewel in my crown
    wad be my queen, wad be my queen.
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