
    ye've heard this while how i've been lickit,
    and by fell death was nearly nickit;
    grim loon! he got me by the fecket,
    and sair me sheuk;
    but by gude luck i lap a wicket,
    and turn'd a neuk.
    but by that health, i've got a share o't,
    but by that life, i'm promis'd mair o't,
    my hale and wee, i'll tak a care o't,
    a tentier way;
    then farewell folly, hide and hair o't,
    for ance and aye!
新书推荐: 蒙托克之夏,海风与影 《明里暗里(1v2,兄弟盖饭)》 假千金勾引了真千金的公公(高h 1v1) 只训狗不救赎(快穿 1VN) 就算知道是绿茶也会上钩(强制nph) 阴间畸恋脑洞集 東方蝴蝶 beta拒绝玛丽苏(np) 连理枝【二战军官】 欺负一下能在床上哭很久H